A Message from Library Director Virginia McClure

June 24, 2024

Dear Library Friends,

June is Alzheimer's & Brain Awareness month, so it is sad yet fitting that I share some regrettable news. Today I’m announcing my resignation as Library Director. This decision was not made lightly, however for the past year my mother has been suffering from moderate to severe dementia and recently there has been an increase in related complications to her health. I’ve realized I must leave Alaska to help manage her care. If you share this life experience with me, you understand the emotional and stressful progression this can be.  

While I hate to leave my position with the library, I feel like this is the right time. I am confident Anchorage Public Library will be able to attract qualified and experienced candidates for the position. I am committed to ensuring a smooth transition and will be working with the incoming administration to facilitate the interim department leadership. My last day with APL will be July 8th.

I have enjoyed my time back at with the Library.  I want to express my gratitude for the dedication, hard work, support, and especially understanding of library staff during my brief tenure as director. The Anchorage Public Library is a wonderful place.

As a librarian, I would be remiss in not sharing resources available to help others in my situation. I hope you find them useful.

Anchorage Public Library- https://bit.ly/LIABSeniors and https://bit.ly/ReadMoreAboutDementia

Anchorage Health Department- https://bit.ly/MOAADRC

Alzheimer's Resource of Alaska - https://www.alzalaska.org/

Warmest regards,
