Anchorage Public Library's youth sticker contest returns!
Between December 16, 2024 and January 8, 2025, submit your sticker design at any Anchorage Public Library location. Anyone can make a design, but only youth ages 5-18 who are residents of the Municipality of Anchorage may win.
What should I draw?
We want unique stickers representing each library location that we are proud to give out to both locals and visitors. We are looking for a fun, creative, and exciting design that is appropriate for all ages.
Do not use copyrighted images; designs must be your own work. The Anchorage Public Library logo must remain visible. You may use any 2D medium, but glitter or shiny effects won't reproduce properly. The final design will be 2"x2".
How will winners be chosen?
There will be 1 winner for each library location, chosen by staff. Finalists will move on to “People’s Choice,” which will be chosen by the public. Designs must be received by library closing time, Wednesday, January 8, 2025 to be considered. Multiple entries are allowed, but individuals may win only once. Choose a location or your entry will be assigned to the Loussac entry pool. Contact information must be legible.
Entry constitutes permission for APL to use your design in promotional materials in perpetuity. This contest is open to youth ages 5-18 who are residents of the Municipality of Anchorage.
Voting for People's choice will be announced via social media.