National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) happens every November-- but did you know it's not just for grown-ups? Kids can join us every Tuesday in November for a variety of fun writing activities, exercises, tips, and tricks to help hit their word count goals. We'll meet in the Learning Commons on the fourth floor of the Loussac Library. Best for Ages 8+
- Tuesday, November 5, 4-5:30 PM
Fill In the Blank. A variety of writing prompts and activities to help you start thinking about writing creatively! - Tuesday, November 12, 4-5:30 PM
Write Your Own Adventure. Learn how to write your own story in the format of the Choose Your Own Adventure books! We’ll write one collaboratively so you can get a taste for the process. - Tuesday, November 19, 4-5:30 PM
Short and Sweet. Write your very own short story from existing prompts. The goal is to get a whole short story written-- at least 1000 words! - Tuesday, November 26, 4-5:30 PM
Zine Creation. Make your own short form book! We’ll have paper, collage supplies, and a long arm stapler to get you on your way.