Proposition 6 Facilities Bond for Seniors and Libraries

Photos of seniors reading books at the library, children reading in front of book shelves, and musicians performing outside Loussac Library.

Proposition 6 is a $2.8M facilities bond for the Anchorage Senior Center, Chugiak-Eagle River Library, and Loussac Library in the upcoming municipal election. This bond will pay for safety projects and building upgrades. At 50 cents per $100,000 of assessed value, the cost to the average homeowner will be less than $3.

Ballots will be mailed on March 11 and are due back by April 1, 2025.

Chugiak-Eagle River Library

New carpet for the library that has not been updated since it opened in 2009. After Loussac, this library is the busiest and most used library branch in the Municipality.

Loussac Library

Replace windows at Loussac Library to increase energy efficiency and help keep costs down for the Municipality. Loussac Library opened in 1986, and the windows in the building are original to the space. Those windows have started holding condensation and leaking, sometimes on the book collection.

Learn more about the upcoming election.

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