If an item you need is not in our library system, we can still get the book for you using an Interlibrary Loan (ILL). We borrow the book from another library on your behalf, and in 2-6 weeks we can have the book available for you to check out.
Interlibrary Loan FAQs
- What is Interlibrary Loan?
- Who is eligible for ILL requests?
- How long does it take for materials to arrive?
- What does it cost?
- Can I renew ILL materials?
- Where should I return ILL materials?
- What are the fines for overdue and lost items?
- How do I start?
- How do I place an ILL request?
- Who can I contact if I have ILL questions?
What is Interlibrary Loan?
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a is a service that borrows materials that can’t be found in our Alaska Library Catalog*.
ILL is a network of participating libraries that allows library cardholders to request materials from OCLC libraries across the country and Canada.
*If an item is available through our own catalog, you do not need to submit an Interlibrary Loan request. Please place a hold for item in our own catalog. With a hold, we find an available copy of an item whether it's at the Gerrish Branch of APL or the Kodiak campus of UAA or even Juneau Public library and have it delivered to the branch of your choice.
Who is eligible for ILL requests?
Anchorage Public Library cardholders with full borrowing privileges.
How long does it take for materials to arrive?
- Books may arrive within 5-15 days depending on postal services.
- Scans of articles or book chapters generally take 2-5 days.
What does it cost?
Interlibrary Loan is free. However, occasionally a lending library will charge more than ILL will cover. If there are additional fees, we will let you know in advance and get your permission before ordering.
Can I renew ILL materials?
Due dates are set by the lending library. You can get access to your ILL account, Find Profile under your name on the top of the page, and then choose Requested. Select the ILL item that you want to be renewed. Renewals are always at the discretion of the lending library.
Where should I return ILL materials?
All ILL materials MUST be returned to an Anchorage Public Library location:
- Z.J. Loussac Library
- Chugiak-Eagle River Library
- Mountain View Library
- Muldoon Library
- Scott & Wesley Gerrish Library
What are the fines for overdue and lost items?
If an ILL is damaged or lost, you will be asked to pay for the replacement fee plus a processing fee. Damage to items is assessed by the lending library.
How do I start?
First you will need to set up an online Interlibrary Loan account. You will need a verified APL card to do this.
- Go to the library website http://www.anchoragelibrary.org
- Select INTERLIBRARY LOANS from the list
- Select Logon to ILL and place requests
- Type your library card and log in
Next, enter your contact information.
- Find View Profile at the top of the page
- Complete the contact information and preferences.
How do I place an ILL request?
Go to the library website http://www.anchoragelibrary.org/
Select Login to ILL and place requests
Type your library card number
Submit an Interlibrary Loan request by filling out the fields OR do a search by using Advanced Search
Who can I contact if I have ILL questions?
- For ILL questions, please call 907-343-2826 or email: lina.kianipour@anchorageak.gov
- Ask a librarian at 907-343-2975 option 4