The Athabascan people of Alaska call themselves Den'a, meaning "the people," and are comprised of eleven linguistic groups. The lands they call home are a region that spans from the Brooks Mountain Range south to the Kenai Peninsula, and from the Canadian border west to the Nulato Hills.
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Non-Fiction Books: Athabascan History & Culture
The adventures of Yaabaa Tees̲h̲aay : first man stories from Healy Lake as told by Ellen Demit and David Joe
Athapaskan adaptations : hunters and fishermen of the subarctic forests by James W. VanStone
Bakk’aatugh Ts’uhuniy = Stories We Live By by Catherine Attla
A Dena’ina Legacy : The Collected Writings of Peter Kalifornsky = K’tl’egh’i sukdu by Peter Kalifornsky
The Ethnography of the Tanaina by Cornelius Osgood
From Skins, Trees, Quills and Beads : the Work of Nine Athabascans ed. by Jan Steinbright
A History of Alaskan Athapaskans by William E Simeone
Make Prayers to Raven : A Koyukon View of the Northern Forest by Richard K. Nelson
Mentasta remembers by Cynthea L. Ainsworth
Northern Athapaskan Art : A Beadwork Tradition by Kate C. Duncan
Northern Athabascan survival : women, community, and the future by Phyllis Ann Fast
On the Trail of Eklutna by Ann Chandonnet
Our voices : Native stories of Alaska and the Yukon ed by James Ruppert and John W. Bernet
Rifles, Blankets, and Beads : Identity, History, and the Northern Athapaskan Potlatch by William E. Simeone
Tales From the Dena : Indian Stories from the Tanana, Koyukuk, and Yukon Rivers recorded by Frederica De Laguna and Norman Reynolds; ed by Frederica de Laguna; illustrated by Dale DeArmond
Biography & Memoir
Cold River Spirits : Whispers from a Family's Forgotten Past by Jan Harper-Haines
Crow is my boss : the oral life history of a Tanacross Athabaskan elder by Kenny Thomas
My own trail by Howard Luke
Walter Harper, Alaska native son by Mary F. Ehrlander
We have not stopped trembling yet : letters to my Filipino-Athabascan family by E.J.R. David
Contemporary subsistence uses and population distribution of non-salmon fish in Grayling, Anvik, Shageluk, and Holy Cross by Caroline Brown
Traditional ecological knowledge of salmon along the Yukon River by Catherine F Moncrieff
Magazines & Journals
Arctic Anthropology - available at Loussac Library on microfilm 1962-2007; via EbscoHost Academic Search Premier 1993-present (12 month delay)
Subject term search in EbscoHost Academic Search Premier
Additional Links & Materials
Alaska History & Cultural Studies: Athabascans
Alaska Native Knowledge Network: Athabascan
Alaska State Library SLED: Native and Indigenous Peoples
Copper River Native Association
Smithsonian Institution Alaska Native Collections: Athabascan