The Yup'ik and Cup'ik peoples have lived on the area known as the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta for at least ten thousand years. The region is home for residents of 56 villages and the hub community of Bethel on the southwest coast of Alaska.
Questions? Contact the Alaska Collection Librarian at sarah.preskitt@anchorageak.gov
Non-Fiction Books: Yup'ik & Cup'ik History & Culture
Always getting ready : Upterrlainarluta: Yup’ik Eskimo subsistence in southwest Alaska by James H. Barker
Ciulirnerunak Yuuyaqunak = Do not live without an elder : the subsistence way of life in southwest Alaska translated and transcribed by Alice Rearden ; edited by Ann Fienup-Riordan
The face of dance : Yup’ik Eskimo masks from Alaska by Lynn Ager Wallen
Hunting tradition in a changing world : Yup’ik lives in Alaska Today by Ann Fienup-Riordan with William Tyson ... [and others]
Inua : spirit world of the Bering Sea Eskimo by William W. Fitzhugh and Susan A. Kaplan
The living tradition of Yup’ik masks by Ann Fienup-Riordan
Qaluyaarmiuni nunamtenek qanemciput = Our Nelson Island stories : meanings of place on the Bering Sea coast transcribed and translated by Alice Rearden ; edited by Ann Fienup-Riordan
Raven’s children by Richard Adams Carey
The wake of the unseen object by Tom Kizzia
A Yupiaq worldview : A pathway to ecology and spirit. by Angayuqaq Oscar Kawagley
Yupik lore : oral traditions of an Eskimo people = Yuut qanemciit : yupiit cayaraita qanrutkumallrit edited by Edward A. Tennant, Joseph N. Bitar
Yup'ik words of wisdom = Yupiit qanruyutai edited by Ann Fienup-Riordan ; transcriptions and translations from the Yup'ik by Alice Rearden with Marie Meade
Yuuyaraq : the way of the human being : with commentary by Harold Napoleon ; edited by Eric Madsen
Yuuyaraq : the Yup'ik Way of being interviews by Mark John and Lorrine Masterman ; transcriptions and translations by Davina Carl, Alice Rearden, and Corey Joseph ; edited by Ann Fienup-Riordan
Biography & Memoir
The real people and the children of thunder : The Yup’ik Eskimo encounter with Moravian missionaries John and Edith Kilbuck by Ann Fienup-Riordan
Through Yup'ik eyes : an adopted son explores the landscape of family by Colin Chisolm
The spirit, culture & people of Old Harbor, Alaska
Unraveling the wind : [what is the role of indigenous knowledge in the 21st century?]
Yuungnaqpiallerput = The way we genuinely live : masterworks of Yup'ik science and survival
Additional Links & Materials
Alaska Digital Archive: Alaska Native History & Cultures
Alaska History & Cultural Studies: Yup'ik and Cup'ik
Alaska Native Knowledge Network: Yup’ik & Cup’ik
Alaska State Library: Native & Indigenous Peoples
Alaskool (Institute of Social & Economic Research, University of Alaska Anchorage)
Bristol Bay Native Association
Smithsonian Institute Alaska Native Collections: Yup'ik