Computers & Technology

Patron using Loussac Library computer
  • Library computers with Internet access are available at all library locations. Stations are offered on a first come, first served basis.
  • An APL/ALC member card is required to use a computer at our Loussac Library location. Guests who do not have an APL card may request a guest pass at our branch locations.
  • Wireless printing is available at all library locations.
  • Headphones are required for listening to audio content.


All APL locations have Wi-Fi. Choose APL Filtered or APL Unfiltered as your network. No password is required.


You can send documents from your own computer or mobile device and print them at an APL location or log in to a computer at one of our locations to print your documents.

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Further Reading

Check out these books to keep up to date with the latest technology.

Further Reading