Business Info Search - Specialized
Business Source Premier is the industry’s most used business research database, providing full text for more than 2,300 journals, including full text for more than 1,100 peer-reviewed titles. Library card required.
Law Depot
LawDepot offers legal forms in minutes with high-quality, easy-to-use, and completely customizable legal documents and templates. Also available through the Libby app.
LinkedIn Learning by Lynda.com
Offers hundreds of trainings and thousands of hours of instruction presented by reliable industry experts on everything from general business software to marketing, design, networking, photography and music.
Access this resource through the library website or the LinkedIn app with our library ID: anchoragelibrary
*Not available to Temporary Card holders
Small Business Reference Center
A comprehensive resource for small business owners and those interested in starting a business, offering full-text periodicals and reports, sample business plans, U.S. tax forms, videos and reference books. It supports small business owners in all relevant areas from planning, financing and managing a business to exit strategies. Users also have the ability to search within specific ‘Business Topics’ and ‘Business Types’ relevant to their needs.
Value Line
Investment education, how-to guides, market and company profiles, and daily market reports.