Downloadables & Streaming

Woman sitting in front of windows reading on a tablet.

To download or stream these resources, you will need your Library Card and email address.


Downloadables Frequently Asked Questions

Ebooks & Online Audio Books

Find thousands of eBooks for adults, children, and teens in our catalog or search directly through hoopla or the Alaska Digital Library (OverDrive & Libby app). Know a kid who loves books? TumbleBook and TumbleMath offer animated, narrated picture and chapter books and hoopla has a great collection of Sesame Street books, movies and comics.

*Not available to ASD, Temporary or Unverified Card Holders


Borrow magazines to read on your phone or tablet from the Alaska Digital Library using the Libby app by OverDrive. Over 3,000 titles available for simultaneous use and no limits.* Get access to over 100 titles for one week with 1 checkout on hoopla with the Magazine Binge Pass.

*You must be logged in to the Alaska Digital Library with your Anchorage Public Library card to access magazines.

Not available to ASD, Temporary or Unverified Card Holders


Comics Plus offers unlimited access and hoopla offers 8 checkouts per month to thousands of comics, graphic novels and manga. Access titles using a smartphone, tablet, or web browser with no waiting.

*Not available to ASD, Temporary or Unverified Card Holders

Movies and TV

Instantly stream and download movies, television shows, documentaries, and instructional programs with hoopla.

*Not available to ASD, Temporary and Unverified Card Holders


Download or stream thousands of albums via hoopla and Freegal.

*Not available to ASD, Temporary and Unverified Card Holders

Need Help?

Having trouble downloading ebooks and media? For assistance with setting up downloads for your device: